If you’re in any way interested in health and fitness, then you’re undoubtedly aware of the many potential benefits of taking a sauna periodically. However, you may have noticed a new kid on the block - the infrared sauna. Are they any good? And, how are they different from traditional saunas? We...
Jan 06, 2025Every so often a supplement makes headlines as offering myriad health benefits. In recent years, Curcumin has been just one supplement - linked to everything from weight loss to protection against inflammation. But, what’s the truth? Is Curcumin worth adding to your supplementation regime? The Su...
Dec 16, 2024Over 10,000 people lose their lives to liver disease each year in the UK. In fact, liver disease is the only major disease where death rates are rising1. So, it’s important to take the health of your liver seriously. Which is why more and more people are choosing to undergo a FibroScan®. Not sure...
Dec 02, 2024Harnessing the power of ultra-low temperatures, cryotherapy is rapidly becoming a popular treatment amongst bodybuilders, athletes, and fitness fanatics of all kinds. But, what exactly is it? And what are its potential benefits? The Supplement Needs team investigates… What is cryotherapy? Cryoth...
Nov 19, 2024From supermarket aisles to the shelves of specialist supplement stores, Omega 3 supplements are everywhere. But, you’ll doubtless have noticed that there can be a big price differential between various Omega 3 supplements. In this guide, the Supplement Needs team is going to make the case as to w...
Oct 30, 2024Thinking back to school science classes, you probably remember a lesson or two about the body – but how much do you remember about your kidneys? Kidney health appears frequently in pop culture medical dramas, but what’s true, and what’s made up for the cameras? Find out in this ultimate guide fro...
Sep 12, 2024Antioxidants. This feels like it’s become a bit of a buzzword, used in everything from adverts promoting a new wellbeing trend, or specific fruits and ‘superfoods’. But, for once, this notoriety is with good reason. Antioxidants, and antioxidant supplements, have many potential benefits for your ...
Sep 11, 2024The liver is the largest organ in the human body, and is responsible for numerous critically important functions. So, what can you do to potentially support your liver health? One route is the supplementation of TUDCA. But, what exactly is TUDCA? And, what does it do? The Supplement Needs team ta...
Sep 10, 2024You only have to turn on the TV or browse through YouTube to see adverts for greens powders. They’re seemingly everywhere, with plenty of people making claims as to what they can do for your health. But, what exactly are they? And, what do they do? Find out in this detailed guide from the team at...
Aug 21, 2024